How to contact us?

    Please reach out to info@fashionrosaa.com - we are available 24hrs. 7 days a week.



Can I place an order over the phone? 

  Orders can only be placed online.

Is the payment link secure?

  fashionrosaa website is provided with an SSL encryption system to protect personal and payment data.

fashionrosaa does not retain any credit card information.

How can I follow my online order?

fashionrosaa will send you several emails during the order process to keep you informed about the different stages of your order.
In addition, your personal account will allow you to follow your order status.




When will I receive my tracking information?

   Orders may take 24hrs to process, once your order has been processed you will receive an email confirming your order has shipped.




How do I care for my Fashion Rosaa products?

  You will find all the care recommendations in each product page.



  fashionrosaa does not allow exchange, you may return your product and purchase a new one.